Most of us are familiar with the term dopamine and how it affects our lives. For instance, most of us can name at least one person whose life has been transformed by the use of dopamine therapy. However, what many of us don't realize is that there are other important functions that dopamine plays in our bodies, and some of those other functions could be the reason for why you've seen your life takes an unexpected turn.
Basically, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that acts as a biochemical messenger between nerve cells. When your brain is anticipating a reward, dopamine is released. When you go through a certain action with pleasure in mind, simply anticipation alone can cause dopamine to rise. This explains why you feel exhilarated after sex or after eating a very rich dessert.
While dopamine has many important roles in our bodies, it's not the only one, and it's also the most overlooked one. However, when dopamine goes down, we experience symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, and lack of concentration and motivation.
One of the functions of dopamine is the production of dopamine receptors. It is these receptors that transmit signals between pleasure-inducing neurons. When dopamine is low, the receptors that were supposed to feel pleasure cannot make this connection. This means that when we perform a certain action that is not associated with it, we simply do not get pleasure and become irritable.
Another important dopamine-related neurotransmitter is norepinephrine. Norepinephrine keeps you calm but can also cause arousal. When this happens, we are more likely to experience negative reactions.
Finally, there are other functions not related to dopamine but affecting how it works. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that affects the transmission of information from nerve cells to muscle groups and brain cells. He is responsible for keeping us alert and focused. When acetylcholine levels are low, we tend to become sleepy and forgetful, and these are some of the symptoms you may experience when you are not getting the right amount of dopamine into your body.
All of these different functions and their effects can play an important role in the functioning of dopamine in our body
The more dopamine in your body, the better you can control the functions it performs. and the more control you will be able to enjoy life, no matter the situation.
The good news is dopamine levels can be increased through exercise, but only if you put in the effort to improve your diet and exercise. If you don't, you can still improve your life by increasing the amount of exercise and taking some medications. In any case, if you think you are suffering from depression, ADD, or ADHD, you need to look for ways to increase your dopamine levels.
Drugs can be bought over the counter in most pharmacies, but you may not know that they also contain a variety of ingredients that can actually lower the level of dopamine in your body. The most common of these is known as benzodiazepines. These are sometimes called "tranquilizers" because they relax us. They also can raise your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, making your body more prone to depression and anxiety.
There are also prescription medications that people take to boost their levels of dopamine. One popular one is Adderall. There is another one called Strattera, which is used to treat ADHD. Another is Vyvanse which has been used as a replacement for Ritalin in treating hyperactivity and impulsivity.
Another very popular drug is Clonidine. This is used to treat migraine headaches. You can get them for your stomach, insomnia, fatigue, muscle pains, and joint pain. But they can cause serious side effects and should not be used by children or for longer than two weeks. It is very addictive and it can cause severe mood changes.
There are several other natural supplements that you can buy online that have a variety of amino acids, vitamin D, and other nutrients that can help your body produce the levels of dopamine it needs. Just because they aren't prescribed, doesn't mean that they won't cause any side effects, so be sure to read the labels and know what to expect before using them.