There are many parts whenit comes to getting the best value & the best hair products, for your hair.
First -find products that work for you. If it doesn't work it's not a value.
Second - if what you are doing now is NOT working - try something new. After all doing the same thing over and over again - and expecting different results - is a sure sign of insanity. Why? Because with the "do it over & over system" if you aren't insane now you will be shortly. - Change something- it's easier.
Third - if you are not sure a product is the best for you - take it for a test drive. Just buy a small size and see how it works on your hair.
Fourth, once you are sure, buy the lowest cost per ounce. Hair products are formulated to have a long shelf-life, so stock up. Don't be afraid to buy larger sizes or quantities. The best rule for the biggest cash savings is buy bigger sizes or lagrer quantities - so you buy less frequently.
1st buy the largest size available - that you can afford.
gallons save you the most followed closely by
the 2- liter = 67.6oz bottle or the half gallon 64oz bottle.
liters & quarts come next in savings sizes
the 2-iters & 2-quarts deals offer even more savings
one liters or quarts deal with a smaller bottle comes next
one bottle provides a "back-up" so you have time to re-order
8oz to 10oz sizes are usually the most expensive unless you are testing to be sure.
2nd, When large sizes are not vailable take advantage for quantity discounts like
by 3 save on #4
by 6 save on #7
buy 11 get #12 free
3rd - When you order a large sizes or larger quantity you will save on shipping. And, with a $300.00 order shipping is FREEl.